
How to Keep Your Car Looking New With Paint Protection

Anything from football cleats to bird mess can damage your car’s finish. Fortunately, there are ways to protect your paint and keep it looking new.

https://ceramicar.com.au paint protection AdelaideA clear coat or https://ceramicar.com.au protection Adelaide film can help to protect your car’s paintwork and keep it looking new. Ceramic coating also helps to minimise scratches and swirl marks from washing your car.


Scratches are unavoidable in driving a car, especially if you often park your vehicle outdoors. Whether key and ring scratches around the door handles or scuff marks from shopping carts in crowded parking lots, it’s easy for even the most careful driver to end up with unsightly blemishes on their paint job.

Not only do scratches detract from the aesthetic of your vehicle, but they can also lower resale value when it’s time to trade in or sell your car. The good news is that you can prevent most blemishes with paint protection film. This clear protective coating provides a barrier between your paint and any debris that could scratch it.

It’s great for drivers who want to avoid costly repainting and resale issues. The paint protection film is incredibly durable and can endure years without visible damage or peeling.

Choosing an accredited BBB installer is another critical step in ensuring that you’ll get the best possible service and quality of installation for your paint protection Adelaide product. Look for an installer with a good reputation and a long history of satisfied customers.

While regular waxing and washing can help keep your car’s paint looking pristine, it’s not a guaranteed solution. In addition, the process of repairing scratches can be expensive and frustrating. If you’d rather spend your time enjoying your car and not worrying about its appearance, the paint protection film is the ideal solution.

If you’re tired of dealing with the hassles of repairing scratches, it’s time to invest in https://ceramicar.com.au paint protection Adelaide. The professionals at Auto Cosmetics are ready to discuss the options that best suit your needs and budget. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation! We’ll make your car look like it rolled off the showroom floor for years.

Stone Chips

Stone chips commonly cause car body damage and can make your paintwork look dull. These are caused by little stones, pebbles, and gravel flicked backwards from the tyres of vehicles in front of you on the motorway. These hit your car quickly and can eat away at the paintwork, causing deep dings.

Whether you fix these chips yourself or take your vehicle to a body shop, it’s always best to get them fixed as soon as they occur to prevent further damage to your paintwork and your car’s value. If the chip has already rusted through, it’s unlikely that the new paint will stick and can lead to further problems such as leaking bodywork.

A great way to avoid these little blemishes is by getting your vehicle professionally coated with https://ceramicar.com.au paint protection Adelaide film. These are available from car dealerships and come in different types of film and levels of protection. The higher-grade films are more complex and challenging, allowing them to protect against heavier scratches while still being flexible enough to deal with the odd rock chip. The film can be applied in bulk lots and trimmed to suit your car or cut into template designs that can be placed over each panel. Ultimately, these will add to your car’s value at trade-in time and reduce the need for costly repairs in the future.

Water Spots

Whether fresh or left unattended for some time, water spots are unsightly and damaging to your car paint. They’re also tough to remove and can leave permanent damage if not treated quickly. The good news is that there are ways to prevent and eliminate these unsightly marks.

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