
Delicious Pasta Recipes

Delicious pasta makes an ideal meal to serve to family or guests at any gathering or social event; quick and simple to prepare.
Pasta Go Go takeaway pastaThis Pasta Go Go takeaway pasta recipe featuring fresh ingredients is ideal for a weeknight dinner. Serve it alongside chicken or sausage to add extra protein!
1. Spaghetti with Spinach
This light pasta dish packs a nutritious punch! Spinach pairs perfectly with garlic, olive oil and nutmeg to produce an exquisite creamy yet savoury dinner that will be the highlight of any meal. Add even more vitamins and nutrients by swapping out kale instead of spinach!
This creamy pasta with cheese sauce is quick and easy to prepare as a quick weeknight dinner or lunch leftover. Mix cheeses such as cheddar, provolone, feta and smoked gouda for an extra-flavourful dish!
Al dente spaghetti tossed with spinach is a classic dish from Naples that is delicious, easy, and the perfect year-round meal.
This simple spaghetti dish is an ideal example of how an easy and nutritious meal can be created without breaking the bank or spending hours preparing. Boil a pot of water, cook spaghetti according to package directions, and drain, reserving one cup of the cooking water for later. Next, puree spinach, garlic and some of that reserved pasta water until smooth with either a food processor or blender (add more pasta water as needed if necessary) until desired consistency is reached before pouring over cooked spaghetti and garnishing with parmesan for irresistibly healthy meal that everyone will love.
2. Egg Pasta with Vegetables
Eggs add moisture and richness to pasta dough, helping it adhere to sauce better and give a silky finish. A typical ratio for pasta dough requires three parts flour to two wet ingredients such as water or eggs – however, vegetables make great substitutes that add new Flavors and textures while making your dough healthier overall!
This pappardelle with vegetables is an easy summer dinner ready in under 20 minutes, featuring vegetables commonly available at your garden and market – tomatoes, zucchinis and sweet peppers. As this Pasta Go Go takeaway vegan-friendly recipe allows, feel free to swap out the parmesan for another non-dairy cheese of your choice!
This dish is an ideal introduction if you are new to cooking pasta. It is simple, straightforward and utterly delectable!
Create this delicious pasta recipe using any short pasta such as pappardelle, linguine or spaghetti. Heat a pot of salted water and boil your pasta for 9 to 12 minutes until it reaches al dente before draining off some of its starchy cooking water and reserving some for later.
Egg noodles, long ribbons of egg and flour-based dough shaped like ribbons, are iconic in Asia, German, Jewish, and Turkish cuisines. From being fresh or dried cooked – often for soups and stews – to being an integral component in many Italian recipes, they can be found at standard grocery stores’ egg pasta aisle. Pappardelle is one of these traditional Italian shapes; wider than tagliatelle but narrower than fettuccine, it offers something different from its competitors.
3. Chicken Pasta with Vegetables
Chicken and pasta go together beautifully, and this easy dinner can be prepared quickly on the stovetop. If time allows, make your rotisserie chicken ahead of time and let it rest while preparing the rest of your meal; otherwise, pan fries chicken breasts before combining with broccoli, peas, chives, heavy cream, and Parmesan cheese in the saucepan for two more minutes before stirring in heavy cream and Parmesan cheese.
4. Cheese Pasta with Vegetables
This creamy vegetarian pasta recipe combines elements from mac and cheese and fettuccine Alfredo for an easy and fast way to include more vegetables into family meals! Enjoy its delectable contrast between creamy white sauce and earthy sauteed veggies, not forgetting all its unique textures from different types of veggies used so that every bite will be delightfully different!
This delicious cheese-stuffed veggie pasta makes an easy and flavourful weeknight dinner requiring only one pot! And for maximum efficiency, use a vegetable chopper to quickly chop carrots and zucchini before starting, saving time and effort!
Cook the pasta according to package instructions until al dente, ensuring it won’t become soggy once baked. Combine it with the vegetable mixture and top it off with mozzarella cheese; if you want an additional protein boost, diced chicken, ground beef, Italian sausage, or Italian pepperoni can all make great additions.

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